
Traditional Chinese Costume of the Tang dynasty (1)

The costumes of ancient China were emblems of Chinese tradition, as well as an essential element in the history and culture of each dynasty. The culture of China is ancient and well established, brilliant and resplendent. Traditionally Chinese costumes tend to be colorful with a unique style and design. The costumes are likewise magnificent and colorful.

Historically, China is different from other countries in the world. Its social structure took the form of dynasties. When dynasties changed, the style of dress immediately changed accordingly. The Tang Dynasty in China was an imperial dynasty of China from 618-907. The Tang Dynasty was the most thriving, prosperous, splendid, and glorious period of ancient Chinese culture and art. The style of women's clothing during the Tang dynasty is the most outstanding in China's history. The Tang dynasty costume had many different styles, and was ever changing, which enabled the look of the Tang dynasty style to remain elegant, noble and poised, and forever unique and amazing.

The features of Tang Dynasty clothing were unique and natural which exhibited the exquisiteness and poise of the people. The materials used for garments were stylish, refined and beautiful and the ornamentations were fabulous. The frequent contacts with the western world had an influence on the dressing customs of the minor groups in the Tang period.

Garments made from silk, wool and linen were common though the existing laws specified the kind of clothes and jewels appropriate for each social class. The poor people made clothes with animal furs. Rough clothing was attributable to people from the lower orders.

