
The dress culture in Tang Dynasty (2)

I'm very interested in the Tang Dynasty clothing, tang dynasty emperor Li Yuan issued about the system of the clothes. For the emperor, empress, officials, people's clothing, color, accessories and so on have done a detailed provisions. For example, in the color of clothing: yellow only the emperor, the royal relatives and princes can use, other people using is crime, so yellow as special symbol of imperial power. In addition, different classes of officials must use different colour. Generally speaking, the costumes for officials ranked as Level 3 and higher were purple, officials ranked as Level 5 wore red, officials ranked as Levels 6 and 7 wore green, and officials ranked as Levels 8 and 9 wore blue.

The emperor TANG TAI ZONG

The robes for the Emperor were yellow, a style that remained the tradition until the Qing dynasty.

A Gentleman’s Kerchief and Round-Collar Robe
The kerchief is a cloth wrapping for the hair. It was used to maintain the hair in a fixed shape, like a wig. The two ends of the kerchief were ribbons that hung down naturally over the neck and shoulders.
The round-collar robe, which is also called a “reunion collar,” was the costume worn by eunuchs during the Sui and Tang dynasties.

